Find information quickly without loss of time on a blog or on a website SOLVED

lunes, noviembre 03, 2008

By ppepote1

To find information quickly without loss of time on a blog or a web page, proceed as follows:

1.- Click on HOME's blog.

This is very important because the search will be well within the entire blog.

If the blog does not have HOME, go to the URL bar and erase all that is behind the name of the blog.

For example:
have to leave him well

2.- Writing in the BAR SEARCH THE BLOG the word most significant item to find. In this way, are all post containing that word.

3.- REPEAT THE SEARCH in each post, to go directly to the paragraph containing the word you searched.

This prevents having to read the entire text, as some post outlines several issues and the best thing anyone does not interest us at that time. Greetings.

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