खोजों और अधिक कुशल पर अलग अलग गूगल हल Searches different and more efficient on google SOLVED
sábado, diciembre 20, 2008खोजों और अधिक कुशल पर अलग अलग गूगल हल Searches different and more efficient on google SOLVED
Google Translation: English » Hindi
By ppepote1
Google teaches us.
According uses
google.com http://www.google.com/webhp
google.fr http://www.google.fr/
google.es http://www.google.es/
the results will be different.
Check it. This is because google.com/webhp uses all databases worldwide.
However, when you use your country google, google search only in the database of your country.
Only when google can not find what you want in your country, google searches in the general database.
Make your searches, for a time, with different google you like and check this.
You can find information on the subject. Greetings.
Google also takes into account your location to search for those words have different meanings depending on the country you live.
Well, one word can have different meanings in different countries where it is used Spanish, French, the English.
SEARCH PLUS: Always use for your searches are better and faster BLOGSEARCH.
Example: http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%2Bgoogle+aprender+linux&btnG=Search+Blogs
Always wrote in search bar BLOGSEARCH as follows:
+google with the +front and always at least three words more.
VERY IMPORTANT: After those three words, always writes +SOLVED.
Thus, only the pages where you will find this solved the problem, thus avoiding the thousands of pages where only pose the problem.
And you save or earn much time on your searches. For example:
+Google more three words +solved
Use http://www.google.com/webhp and you will have access to all databases of google worldwide.
Explanation here:
Web page translated into English Chinese French German Spanish Portuguese Italian
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